After 60 years, the secret's still in the seaweed.

Bell-Booth was the first company to promote the use of seaweed extract for plants in the 1960's. Today seaweed extract is widely recognised for its plant and animal health benefits and appreciated as a valuable tool in combating over-use of synthetic fertiliser for plant growth.

Maxicrop,  the origional bio-stimulant is globally recognised with peer reviewed research. It contains special amino acids and organic compounds that have been proven to increase root development, disease resistance and soil microbial activity.

Studies measuring chlorophyll production showed increases as high as 300% in treated plants.

Bell-Booth trialed new bio-stimulants to demonstrate that alternative nitrogen management programmes can reduce damage to the soil structure and the risk of nitrogen leaching.

When N-Telligent is used in conjunction with reduced synthetic N, it reduces the negative environmental impact associated with the application of nitrogen and provides a more sustainable pasture system.

The field trials for N-Telligent showed improved nitrogen utilisation of up to 18:1

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