N-Telligent 4 Pasture
N-Telligent 4 Pasture is fast-acting plant nutrients that support the plant through the early growth stages.

N-Telligent 4 Pasture is a liquid bio-stimulant. What that means is, it is a substance designed to be applied as a spray onto the living plant to encourage biological activity within the plant and the soil. It is manufactured from minerals, naturally-occurring humates, trace elements and PGR’s (plant growth stimulants) and when used as directed will not harm plants, soil, animals or waterways.


While solid fertiliser supplies relatively large quantities of macronutrients to the soil in order to maintain or increase the soil’s nutrient status, trials show that the judicious use of liquid bio-stimulant can provide a meaningful benefit to plant growth and soil health.


Poor clover production, compacted soils, open pastures, and high nitrate levels are signs that the ecosystem requires nurturing. N-Telligent4 Pasture contains complex compounds designed to enhance the ecosystem while providing grazing animals with high-quality, palatable feed.


Application Rates

1 Groundspray

Combine 5kg N-Telligent 4 Pasture with 10 litres N-Telligent 4 Pasture Liquid with 100 litres water per hectare.


2 Aerial

Combine 5kg N-Telligent 4 Pasture with 10 litres N-Telligent 4 Pasture Liquid with 60 litres water per hectare.



Combine 5kg N-Telligent 4 Pasture with 10 litres N-Telligent 4 Pasture Liquid with 33 litres water per hectare

Pack Sizes

20L, 100L, 200L, 1000L

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